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Welcome to Tynedale Methodist Circuit

We are a group of Methodist Churches working together to share ministry and mission across the Tyne Valley. The Circuit's commitment across Tynedale is to see vibrant Christian communities which introduce people to life in the Kingdom of God and help people to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

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Welcome to Tynedale Methodist Circuit

We are a group of Methodist Churches working together to share ministry and mission across the Tyne Valley. The Circuit's commitment across Tynedale is to see vibrant Christian communities which introduce people to life in the Kingdom of God and help people to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

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Welcome to Tynedale Methodist Circuit

We are a group of Methodist Churches working together to share ministry and mission across the Tyne Valley. The Circuit's commitment across Tynedale is to see vibrant Christian communities which introduce people to life in the Kingdom of God and help people to live as followers of Jesus Christ.


Welcome to Tynedale Methodist Circuit

We are a group of Methodist Churches working together to share ministry and mission across the Tyne Valley. The Circuit's commitment across Tynedale is to see vibrant Christian communities which introduce people to life in the Kingdom of God and help people to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

Our church communities remained strong as we faced the challenges posed by the pandemic over recent years. Online worship became the norm during the lockdown periods and the success of services, Bible studies and other activities online have been a great credit to all involved.

Church buildings across the Circuit are now open and it is great to be at the stage where people can physically meet in worship once again.

We continue to use online worship resources as well and you can keep up to date with what's happening around our Circuit via this website and via the Tynedale Methodist Circuit Facebook page (search TynedaleMethodistCircuit).

You can find weekly streamed worship services, worship videos, plus other devotional resources on the Worship Resources page and the Circuit Facebook page.

The new edition of Living Waters. the Circuit Magazine, for Spring 2025 can be downloaded by clicking here.

© 2025 – Tynedale Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1129509
Tynedale Logo Link